Retreats + In-Person Events

We want to meet you in-real-life! Come see the world with us + lets practice together through a Kula yoga retreat, or a workshop or training with our sister brand The Collective School of Yoga.
Worldwide Yoga Retreats
Education for yoga Teachers
practice in person with the kula

Yoga Retreats, Trainings + Workshops

Our retreats typically include some outdoor adventure time, such as hiking in the mountains or surf lessons at the beach. We hire local chefs + guides. We practice yoga daily, often times twice per day, and often incorporate various workshops in our schedules as well. There is always a bit of free time in the schedule for you to explore, rest, get a massage or connect with others in the group. We hope you'll come explore with us!

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June 13, 2024
Oregon Coast Weekend Yoga Retreat | June 13-16, 2024
learn more + Register
September 1, 2024
Lefkada, Greece Retreat | September 1-7, 2024
learn more + Register
March 2, 2025
Cambutal, Panama Kula Team Retreat | March 2-8, 2025.
learn more + Register

Interested in a Yoga
Teacher Training?

Our sister company, The Collective School of Yoga hosts education courses from 200-hour YTT in the hills of Italy to 40-hour Antomy Modules in Colorado, and everywhere in between. There is a course and a place for you to deepen your practice with Nicole through cadaver labs, breathwork trainings, somatic movement workshops and more. With a holistic learning philosophy you can join the Nicole & a community of yogis looking to deepen their practice through education at The Collective School of Yoga.

the kula's 4 pillars

Movement. Education. Meditation. Service.

teach with us

Host an Event at The Kula

Interested in host an event but not sure where to start? We'll help to guide you through hosting your own unqiue event in addition to sharing the offering with our network. Inquire below to start the conversation.

inquire here

Past Retreats Photo Gallery

Re-live some of our past retreat experiences with us via the beautiful imagery created by our Kula retreat photographers Devin Helen + Sam Rouda.

See the Event Archive
Yoga retreat Imagery

It's all in the details

We arrange, plan + organize every last detail of our retreat experiences so that all you have to do is show up. Aside from our daily practices, you can expect chefs that accommodate your dietary needs + create beautiful, healthy and delicious meals. You can plan on a few included adventures that maximize on the landscape that we're in. In the past, we've gone hiking, surfing, wine tasting, and visited local temples or sights.